I'll post more pictures here soon. Stephen is three weeks old today, and I feel like reflecting on that time a little to record what we've learned.
What I've learned:
-I will do things I've said that I will never do (co-sleeping)
-Breastfeeding can be very hard, but when you get it right, it is a relief.
-You have to demand service from the nurses in a hospital
-A good night sleep is golden
-I have a pretty good kid who sleeps very well
-I don't react well to narcotics
-Meconium is gross
-I can still read a book while feeding
-I can be a pretty good mom
-Now in the third week, I'm finally becoming myself again
-I have a very loving family and family of in-laws who will help and support me, and put up with me through a lot
-I have a wonderful husband who cares a lot for both Stephen and I and who swaddles better than I do
What Stephen has learned-He can smile
-He can pick his head up from your chest
-He doesn't like his diper being changed
-He is learning how to breastfeed without crying
-He likes being close to people
-He does not mind loud noises
-He can open his eyes more
-He does not mind dog kisses