Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Stephen Video

Pretty eyes

I don't know if you can see in this picture, but his eye lashes are very long. He gets it from both Sean and I. Stephen learned to roll over from his back to his front yesterday. He's been doing from front to side for a while now, but he got all the way around yesterday. He seemed to not know what to do when he got there though.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Miracle Blanket

I know I've blogged about it before, but I just now saw the wonders of miracle blanket in action. I swaddled him in a regular blanket and put him in his crib with the Ocean Wonders Aquarium going. He cried. I then swaddled him with the Miracle Blanket and put him in his crib with the Ocean Wonders going. He settled down and is going to sleep. I also highly recommend the Ocean Wonders Acquarium too, although I need to change the song it is playing because it is Variations in D and it gets repetitive.

Dallas with friends

This weekend, two of my college friends, Betsy and Amy, came to visit me in Dallas. We had a nice lunch at the Zodiac Room at the Nieman's downtown, walked around the Arboretum, and had a great time visiting.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Getting ready for puppy

So, I think we are going to get a puppy, but not just yet. I have to be ready for one and getting up in the night for her etc. We'll get another black female lab. We think we have a good litter, available in May. We even have a name for her, Emerson, but we'll call her Emmy. It took us a long time to figure out Raven's name, but this one didn't take too long. This would be Emmy's mom.

More Florida Photos

We had a really good time in Florida with my mom, dad, and David. Thanks to all for a wonderful long weekend.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Stephen took his first (and second) swimming lesson in Florida. He liked the pool the second time when he learned that he could splash and play in the water. Here he is investigating this thing called "the pool".

Monday, February 11, 2008

Future Executive

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4 months

How quickly 4 months goes, although it also seems like forever ago. Today he went in for his 4 month well visit. He's doing fine developmentally. He's 13 pounds, 2 ounces; 24 3/4 inches long with a head circumference of 41 c. He's in the 25% in height and head circumference, while in the 50% in height. He's grasping at things, including my hair and glasses and fingers etc. He got all of his shots again, but stopped crying soon after :) We're trying to figure out what kind of kid he is going to be...we think he is going to be crawling and walking around early and he is going to like being outside, because he already does. That and Sean says he wants a new puppy.

We're traveling on Thursday to Florida to visit the Smith family. We'll see how he does this time on the plane and with the time change. Sean realized on Saturday while I was at a friend's baby shower and then out with the Kirkpatricks that taking care of him can be a little hard/exhausting, and then he thanked me for taking care of him on Sunday while he went hunting with a friend.
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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Out with the Kirkpatricks

In celebration of Kate and Willie's nuptuals, the Kirkpatrick women and I and Willie all went out to dinner and then bowling last night

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kitchen Time

Today, Stephen watched me as I made blackberry apple pie for Sean.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Evidence Stephen likes cereal

For the past couple of days, Stephen hasn't been eating well, pushing away the bottle. He also felt hot, was a little fussy, and just different than normal. I was a little concerned that he had an ear infection. I took him to the doctor today and it turns out he just has a little cold and a low grade fever. They did a weight check and he is 13 pounds! He gained 2 and a half pounds in about 3 weeks, putting him in the 10-25 percentile instead of the 5-10 percentile. This is evidence that Stephen likes his cereal. I think I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight partily because I'm carrying him around now. :) He was funny at the doctor. While we were waiting, he laughed and laughed at himself naked in the mirror. I guess he thinks he's funny naked.
In another note, I'm very proud of both my sister and brother for running the Miami Half Marathon a couple of weekends ago.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Raven...wherever she might be

Its Monday, and she hasn't come back or we haven't been contacted. I've gone to the City pound 3 times and called a lot of vets in the area. We have posters up in our neighborhood. Sean and I are really down about it. We hope that she's found a good home. Anyone that picked her up and is keeping her is getting a really wonderful, well trained dog. I'm trying to say to myself and Sean that, "Dogs go...they might die, they might run away, but at some point dogs go"

With my trips to the City Pound, I've realized that our other dog, Lola, who is a mutt I rescued in Atlanta 8 and a half years ago, is one very lucky dog. There are so many dogs there that are hurt, look abused, etc. It's really quite sad. Lola misses Raven. We took a walk yesterday and Lola (and I) were looking for Raven everywhere.