I don't usually go posting really personal stuff on this blog, but today I feel like I need an outlet for my thoughts, as well as keeping everyone who reads this blog up to date on what is happening with me/us. I went to the orthopedist upon recommendation of my friend Brent. I've had hip pain/complication all my life and have been feeling more after giving birth and taking care of a now 9 1/2 month baby. I thought I would go in for a referral for a physical therapist to get some kinks worked out of my muscles and do some stretching, now that I can't even get into yoga poses that used to help me out with my hip pain. Upon seeing the x-rays, the dr. immediately told me that I needed a hip replacement. I started crying and I really haven't stopped very much since. He said that it wasn't an immediate need, but that I want to think about when might be the best time in the near future to have one. He stressed the difference of what he could have said, "You will need a hip replacement in the future", with what he did say, "you need a hip replacement." I basically have no space in the joint. I've been walking with the bone of the hip socket rubbing against the femur and my pain will not subside until I get a replacement. It was pretty plain, even for me, to see in the x-rays, looking at the difference between the two sides (I only need a replacement in the right side)
Of course, I am not new to dr's, surgeries, hospitals, second opinions and the like, so we are just starting to figure out who the best doctor is, what the time frame will actually be, and when the best time to do this will be. The cool thing is that I can get x-rays on CD's now to send to Brent to check out. :)
I am on an emotional rollercoaster. I mean, I "just" had a baby (ok, well 9.5 months ago) and now I need a hip replacement. I just want to be able to take care of my child. This is what really really gets me crying. I know that in the long term, it will be easier to run after him, but it will be hard in the short term. It will be a longish recovery period, but no one can really tell me how long because all of the data is for 60-80 year olds. Boy do I feel like an old woman. :) I'll be on crutches for 6 weeks and probably won't be able to pick up Stephen very well or play with him on the floor during that time.
The good parts of this are: It will make me feel better; I think in the end it is a quality of life enhancer. I will be able to run around with Stephen when he's able to run, and I will be able to walk the dogs more than a mile or two; I will be able to go up and down and up and down the stairs in my house. I know that I have wonderful family and friends to help out during this time, which I am thankful for.