Monday, December 15, 2008


Again, I find myself not reading as much due to being a mommy.  However, I have been reading LOTS of children's books to Stephen.  One of the things that Stephen loves is to walk around with books.  He'll pick up a book and then bring it to you to read to him.  I now know almost all of our books by heart.  One of his favorites is Fish Out of Water, which is like 60 (although small) pages long.  And he wants to read it over and over.  Sometimes, after the first or second reading, I'll say, "Why don't you read it to me?" and we look at the pictures together.  I'm going to add these children's books to my reading list because I have read them so many times that I think it counts as more books.

On the move

I haven't posted in a while since it is really hard to get a picture of Stephen when he is so mobile. Here's two of recent pictures. He had an ear infection last week, which was hard on all of us, but he is now better and eating more than ever. He ate a whole tamale on Saturday and just loves clementine oranges, pineapples, and of course, bread. I think he's looking forward to Christmas and seeing all the family. He likes walking around everywhere. Sean and I even taught him to put the clothes in the hamper, although he likes taking them out too. His favorite activity is walking around with something in his hand, anything really, from shoes, to blankets, to clothes to anything.

Also, I haven't posted because I've been spending time doing my wedding album as a present for Sean for Christmas.  I was so impressed with the book from Blurb that Lilli gave to Stephen that I did my whole wedding album on it and I think it is going to turn out really well.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stephen walks the line

Stephen is holding a fork in this because it was just after dinner, and we got it out of his hands right after this video.  

Monday, December 1, 2008


We just returned from a nice Thanksgiving in Houston with Sean's family.  While there, Stephen decided that he would rather walk than crawl, so that was really exciting.  He also really got the hang of Thanksgiving---he ate a lot and watched football, although he wasn't all that thrilled with sitting and eating at a table, why would you, if you had just gotten the hang of being bipedal.  I'll post a video soon; if I can catch him. :)  Unfortunately, he's also decided that he'd rather walk than sleep at night alone, so Sean and I have had some sleepless nights, but hopefully he'll calm down enough to sleep in a while just like he had been doing.