Monday, July 27, 2009

Busy Weekend of Fun in Houston

This weekend, Sean, Stephen, and I went down to Houston. Sean helped the family buy a car, we went swimming, and to a baseball game on Saturday night, Stephen's first. He liked the game, but the far away seats didn't keep him involved in the action. It was a horrible game against the Mets, ending up 10-3, but it was fun none-the-less. Stephen almost got hit with a foul ball. Frank tried to shield Stephen, who was on Grandma's lap, and the ball bounced off Frank's hand. I tried to get the ball, but the woman in front of us got to it and wouldn't give it up. I think for his next game we'll go to a minor league game where we can get closer to the field and he can keep up with the action. He loved running down the ramp and walking to the car, and was able to stay for the whole game, which was fun.

Monday, July 20, 2009

One more golf picture from Top Golf

Sean wants me to show that Stephen has a great follow through...

More Top Golf Stories

So Top Golf is a driving range/miniature golf/batting cage place where the driving range has balls which have RFID and you can hit them to targets which gets you points depending on a couple of different game rules. They also have a putting green where we waited for a slot for the driving range. Stephen loved the putting green and the driving range, but did NOT understand taking turns, so Sean got almost no time to hit balls himself. But, we were there for 2-3 hours each day, as Stephen just couldn't get enough of it. The driving range also has a restaurant that serves beer and food, including kids food, so we had dinner there both Saturday and Sunday nights. On Sunday, we had gone to get Stephen some new clubs (they were inexpensive) which were not plastic, but they turned out to be way too heavy for him, although that did not deter him from hitting with them.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Top Golf

Last night and today, Sean, Stephen, and I went to Top Golf. Last night, we went with some friends. Stephen had such a good time that we decided to go back today. This picture is last night, after he came home and before he went to bed. He was so tired, but so happy that he had played golf with dad....more pictures to come.

Official First Word

Stephen has started saying, "no" with quite an vengeance. Its the first word he has really used to convey his wishes. While it is quite cute now, I think it might get old in only a couple of days.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009


He now has curls on top of his head.

Family Time

I like that time in the morning from about 6 to 7am when we are all in one bed snuggling and sleeping. It's a very nice way to wake up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

On the verge of greatness

I've taken so many pictures, I'm behind in processing them (making them better, editing them) by photoshop. This past week, Stephen and I met Sean in San Francisco to visit my aunt and family. We had a good time going to the Marin County Fair and just hanging out and visiting. Mom got scared by a living statue at the fair, and Stephen had fun with blocks. He turned into Mr. Hyde at various points during the trip. We've gotten to the point where time outs don't seem to work, so I'm trying new methods of dealing with this. Mostly just saying, "stop, there are other ways of showing mommy that you are frustrated, like drumming," and then we go off into one of his favorite books, Hum Drum Hum Drum. He's teething, getting his two year molars, and really taking it hard. We are glad that these are his last teeth for a while. Tonight he said, "ahhh" and let me look in. He's got his bottom two but waiting for the top two to bust through. While Sean's mom is here while Kaitlyn is being a counselor at SMU soccer camp, Sean and I are going on a date night tomorrow because this last little bit with Stephen has been rough. We know better days are to come though. We are beginning to hear some language. We think he may have said, "aqua", "ball", and "momma", and probably, "no". In the past two days he has waved "bye-bye" and understood when people left, which is a huge improvement. A couple of weeks ago, Stephen was being a brat, and Sean asked me what was wrong, I said, "oh, he's just on the verge of something great" Hopefully, it will come soon.