Sunday, November 11, 2007

Greening of America

How are you contributing to the Greening of America? Here's some of the ways that my family has contributed:
  • This past week, my sister attended the Green Build conference in Chicago

  • Mom and Dad both drive hybrid cars

  • I am trying to remember to use reusable grocery bags when going to the grocery store

  • I have added a signature to my emails: "Please think of the environment before printing this email"

  • I recycle everything Dallas County allows

  • David has only put 7,000 miles on his car in the past 2 years

  • Sean and I have owned (although not currently) one car for a total of almost 2 years

  • Sean and I get our electricity from a company that puts wind and hydroelectric power back into the grid for the electricity we use.


Lilli Smith said...

Good....but if we don't do something drastic soon, a big part of Boston will be under water by the time Stephen A goes to Harvard.

Anonymous said...

- Almost all of our lightbulbs are compact fluorescent
- I get paper bags at the supermarket and use them as kitchen trash bags
- I recycle everything Fairfax County will let me (they don't accept yogurt containers; I have no idea why)
- We got a new Civic last year when Tom started a longer commute and finally sold the truck this summer (I still have my car)
- We got new, high R value, windows this year to replace the old, single paned, leaking ones
- We get our produce during the harvesting months from a local farm
- I avoid buying unstustainably caught/raised fish and seafood
- When we replace our 40 year old AC unit that died this summer, our new one will have a SEER rating of at least 14
- We keep the thermostat no higher than 66 in the winter
- I'm trying to use more environmentally-friendly cleaning products like vinegar and baking soda
- We don't chemically treat our lawn or the rest of our yard; we mulch leaves and grass clippings back into the lawn

Martha Smith said...

Well, it's hard to keep up with you conscientious young women, but I'd like to report two little things that you inspired me to do: 1. I stored the almost-empty dishwasher detergent bottle upside down and got four more washes from the liquid that gravity brought down and 2. I mailed Fall Festival packets to 18 teachers who would have had to drive many miles to pick theirs up (no, this had not been done before). These are small steps, but I thank you for making me more conscious of conserving resources. Love, Mom