Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Right Way to Swaddle - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blog

The Right Way to Swaddle - Well - Tara Parker-Pope - Health - New York Times Blog

The preliminary results are in...Stephen likes cereal. In fact, I think he just said, "Thank you Mommy." He slept 10 hours last night and was a very happy baby last night and this morning. I also just swaddled him in a swaddle-me blanket that my cousin Patti let me borrow, but I haven't used before. (We've just used regular blankets for this purpose) In the swaddle and about 5 minutes at the breast and he was totally asleep. Yaay, swaddle. We've also raised the head of his crib mattress a little with a pillow underneath it. I think with a combination of techniques, Stephen will be consistently a happier baby.

This article says that swaddling the wrong way can lead to hip displasia...well, I know for me, that was not the case :)

1 comment:

Vivie Bear said...

Yay! I'm so glad Stephen likes his swaddling blanket! I had a great time last week watching lil' S. What a darling, sweet boy :) Let's get together soon---Cousin Patti
ps: here's the Miracle Blanket website that gives a nice instructional video if ya need it: http://www.miracleblanket.com/instructions.htm