Friday, March 14, 2008

Nothing to do but wait, and play with Cheerios

We went to the doctor today and she said there's nothing to do for his stomach flu but wait it out and he's hydrated. He's still losing weight, but not enough to be concerned about; she said, "he'll just gain it back when he's feeling better." We have been just sitting him in his high chair and letting him play with Cheerios to see what he'd do. He likes to eat the table or at least put his mouth on the edge of the table and then sometimes, he'll just try to rake the Cheerios into his mouth, but all of them end up on the floor or on his seat. We know he's not ready for solid foods, and especially since he is sick, but it still is fun while we are eating breakfast. It's frustrating knowing that there's not much we can do for him while he is sick, but just let it run its course.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shel, sorry Stephen's still battling a bug, but know he'll be all better soon.
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