Monday, March 24, 2008

Sleeping Angel

My sister Lilli asked me recently if Stephen slept with us. He doesn't usually until about 5:30 or 6:30am. In fact, one day last week, Sean asked if Stephen could sleep with us, so he got him out of his crib and took him to bed. Stephen woke up and cried. Sean put him back into his own room and crib and he went to sleep immediately. I said, "I guess he likes his own bed" He does like to have family time in the morning in our bed, although he isn't really cuddly during this time, its fun. Last night, he slept until 5:30am after a couple of weeks of not sleeping though the night because of the darn stomach bug and it felt so good for me.

For naps, he sometimes sleeps on his back and sometimes on his stomach. He doesn't use a pacifier anymore, just his fingers, and yes all of his fingers as he never really found his thumb. I've been inspired by some blogs with excellent photography to experiment with the manual settings on my camera.

1 comment:

Lilli Smith said...

I think I might see a halo around that perfect little head. Wow, what a head!