Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We returned home last night after a fun, busy, long weekend in DC and Rapidan, Virginia with my family. Stephen was fine most of the plane ride and was a rock star at staying calm when Sean couldn't find the car for a while after getting back to the airport. We found he likes animal crackers and that keeps him happy for a while. I can only hope that exposing him to so many things while so young has a positive effect when he is older and we travel :)

Stephen was pretty tired today, as can be expected after so much attention and fun during the last couple of days. He fell asleep for one of his naps while I was checking my email and the rain came down on the sky light. It was pretty cute.

We have an extremely busy week; finishing packing and Stephen and I are going to Houston by airplane for the weekend to see Aunt Kaitlyn graduate from high school. Sean will stay in Dallas to coordinate the move to our townhouse.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Child's Pose

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sharing a Mother's Day gift

I made this for my mom and mother in law and I thought I would share. It is full of pictures already on this blog, but all in one spot.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Car Photos

I used the camera a lot to keep him entertained on the way to and from Houston this past weekend. The pictures turned out quite well.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Utterly Exhausted

After a hard couple of days, and a long trip back from Houston, where he got bored in his car seat after 1 1/2 hours into a 4 hour car ride, and a LONG night with being up five times in eight hours, I'm utterly exhausted. He's teething again. I just need someone to tell me that this gets better
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Future Rice Grad?

We went to see Summer graduate at Rice this weekend. More pictures to follow...
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New Friend

Our friends', Mark and Maurie Gray, son Gunnar (2 1/2 months old) came over on Friday with Mark. Juana, our nanny, got to hold both of them, as Stephen checked out Gunnar. I think he may be taunting him a little. I think in time, they will become friends. :)
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Wednesday, May 7, 2008


So, we got our 30 day notice from our landlord today. We had hoped to go month to month during the summer and then find some place, but unfortunately this was not meant to be. We will be moving somewhere, possibly chez Emerson, but this is TBD, and TBD soon. :)


Today I learned the Spanish word for playpen is corral. Corralling horses I guess is like corralling kids. :) Stephen likes his where he plays with his toys and practices trying to crawl. Yesterday he was able to get into child's pose for yoga. (knees to chest, while lying down on stomach). He's been doing upward facing dog quite well for the past couple of weeks. Now, I think he needs to learn how to get into downward facing dog or at least cat pose in order to actually crawl. In a college movement class, we did movement exercises where our teacher encouraged us to experiment, to be like a child. She said, " as we age, we don't experiment with movement as we do as a child, and maybe our joints don't let us do that after a while." I never really thought about the sun salutation series in yoga as mimicking how a child learns to crawl, but it is pretty close.
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Actually eating

We just noticed last night that he was actually eating his dinner. He swallowed some broccoli and today I think he swallowed some cheese. Just like his daddy...cheese and broccoli. I didn't even have to trick him into thinking they were apple trees. He has tried everything we've given him.
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Sunday, May 4, 2008

More Swimming

Sean has really liked to take Stephen swimming. He goes almost every evening after work. Here Stephen is today trying really hard to swim.
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Meet Emmy, the new family member

She was so much better than Raven was on her first night in the house with us. I guess it helps going through it with a dog and a kid before. :)
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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lost Again

We finished Season 3, so now we are on to Season 4. I bought a cable to hook up my ipod to my tv (thanks Dave for the idea) and are buying Season 4 episodes on Itunes.