Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We returned home last night after a fun, busy, long weekend in DC and Rapidan, Virginia with my family. Stephen was fine most of the plane ride and was a rock star at staying calm when Sean couldn't find the car for a while after getting back to the airport. We found he likes animal crackers and that keeps him happy for a while. I can only hope that exposing him to so many things while so young has a positive effect when he is older and we travel :)

Stephen was pretty tired today, as can be expected after so much attention and fun during the last couple of days. He fell asleep for one of his naps while I was checking my email and the rain came down on the sky light. It was pretty cute.

We have an extremely busy week; finishing packing and Stephen and I are going to Houston by airplane for the weekend to see Aunt Kaitlyn graduate from high school. Sean will stay in Dallas to coordinate the move to our townhouse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are really looking forward to seeing you! Glad to hear all went well.