Sunday, June 22, 2008


I think our little boy is growing up. He's learning so many things right now, like crawling, sitting, pulling up, eating, swallowing, gravity, and temper. He gets upset as you take away the remote we've given him or the bottle (no, not his own bottle, but any other bottle but his own). Right now it works to distract him with something else, but I can see days coming when that doesn't work. Again, we all are discovering the differences between his wants and needs. The good thing is that he is also discovering the joys of everyday objects like remotes, empty 2 liter bottles, keys, boxes, books, and plastic kitchen toys, so that it is easy to keep him entertained for a while.

1 comment:

Vivie Bear said...

vivian STILL loves to play with empty milk jugs that have "yids" (that's vivi-speak for "lids"). she's gotten to be an expert at screwing on yids of all kinds. stephen will too. miss you guys! luv patti