Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bionic Woman

Originally uploaded by shelbitha
Today, I had my first post op appointment. After waiting an hour, which Sean just loved, we saw the doctor and it is all systems go. I am not supposed to use the cane while walking in the house, but I am supposed to walk a lot and with the cane on longer walks. I look good and will do some more physical therapy, but in a couple of weeks on my own to walk more and do more exercises that I have. I can now drive and I;m not house bound!

Stephen is just fine. He clapped with me today while singing "When you are happy and you know it, clap your hands". We think he said golf this past weekend, while watching some of the golf tournament on T.V. much to the delight of his daddy and grand dad.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stephen is not alone

The Associated Press reported recently that more babies were born in 2007 in the US than any other year in history.  I hope this will not harm Stephen's chances at going to the college of his choice.  Sean and I were both born during years of lower birth rates.

Sorry about video troubles on the previous post.  I suspect it is due to the apple format of the video.  I will try to change it soon.  I'm still learning some things new to the mac after having a PC for more than 15 years.  I did, however, set up my VPN and work email address in less than an hour with no help from my IT department, because they didn't know it could be done.  

Friday, March 20, 2009

Stephen Dances and Mommy Walks

Stephen dances pretty well, as you can see in this video. I'm doing better and better by the day really. Today I took probably about a quarter of a mile walk and feel pretty good.  I feel a little tired, but nothing out of the ordinary.  I'm back to about 100% of pre-surgery which is nice.  I walk with the cane, but I try to not walk with the cane for very short distances around the house.  I'm working on my posture, since I've been walking the wrong way for about 28 years now.  I'm ready to not be house bound anymore, but am loving the nice weather that we are having allowing me to get outside to escape the house.  

We just got a new imac, as my computer was in the process of dying a slow death, getting slower and non responsive sometimes.  I love it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just the three of us

My mom left us on Monday afternoon, after 10 days of wonderful care giving of both Stephen and I. While I really appreciated her coming and taking care of us, it is nice to have a couple of days before my mother in law gets here to just be the three of us. There's an hour or so in the morning and about an hour and a half in the afternoon, where I don't have child care available to me, and Stephen and I have really enjoyed our time together. As I take on more mommy duties, he's gradually liking me more, which feels good. One key to Stephen's happiness in the afternoons is keeping the balcony door open, giving him some kind of big stick, and turning on some music for him to dance to occasionally. That, and we have some Sesame Street DVR'd for some cuddle time with mommy in the mornings, which is kinda nice (even though it is TV, it is Sesame Street, which I enjoy too, and it is only for like 20 minutes). I'm getting stronger and more able to handle him and he is adjusting to the fact he must come over to the couch to be picked up. We had mommy races in the living room too, where he chased mommy using her walker. It was a close race.

Now to a funnier story: I think it may be time to get Stephen introduced to a kid toilet. On Monday night, Sean was putting him to bed and really had to go to the bathroom. He brought Stephen into the bathroom and showed him what he was doing. Well, Stephen had his diaper off at that point and got on the ground and proceed to pee on the bath mat in the bathroom. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. Boys.
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Friday, March 6, 2009

Hip update

So I haven't blogged in more than a week!, but I have been busy. My hip surgery went well last Wednesday and I've been home from the hospital a week from tomorrow. I can now get up and down stairs, take a shower, get the mail, and generally be pretty happy. I can't put on my own pants, or go up and down stairs without someone watching me, or take care of Stephen on my own right now, but those things will slowly begin to change. I'm off of narcotics during the day which feels so good, as the narcotics were making me dizzy and loopy. Stephen I think had a hard time adjusting to the fact that mommy couldn't pick him up unless she is sitting down, but he is preferring daddy to mommy at most points too right now, so I guess that helps in this recovery period. I have my ups and downs emotionally, but for the most part I feel like Benjamin Button (although I haven't seen the movie) I feel younger every day. I think last week in the hospital I felt about oh 85 years old, and today I probably feel about 65. It is really emotionally difficult for me to be dependent on people for putting on my pants and taking care of my kid, and I do have crying spells, but am trying to think of the long run where I know I will be better. The pain from the surgery is different than the pain before the surgery. The pain now is more muscular in nature, more like I worked out too much or something. The pain before was more from the bone itself. Sean, my mother, and my father have been with me since last Tuesday and I don't know what I would have done without all their support here. I'm not sure I can adequately thank them for being with me during this. I think my motivation to do things on my own makes me do my exercises and try to get to the point of being normal. Normality is my goal. On the good side, I think my posture is getting a lot better.