Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just the three of us

My mom left us on Monday afternoon, after 10 days of wonderful care giving of both Stephen and I. While I really appreciated her coming and taking care of us, it is nice to have a couple of days before my mother in law gets here to just be the three of us. There's an hour or so in the morning and about an hour and a half in the afternoon, where I don't have child care available to me, and Stephen and I have really enjoyed our time together. As I take on more mommy duties, he's gradually liking me more, which feels good. One key to Stephen's happiness in the afternoons is keeping the balcony door open, giving him some kind of big stick, and turning on some music for him to dance to occasionally. That, and we have some Sesame Street DVR'd for some cuddle time with mommy in the mornings, which is kinda nice (even though it is TV, it is Sesame Street, which I enjoy too, and it is only for like 20 minutes). I'm getting stronger and more able to handle him and he is adjusting to the fact he must come over to the couch to be picked up. We had mommy races in the living room too, where he chased mommy using her walker. It was a close race.

Now to a funnier story: I think it may be time to get Stephen introduced to a kid toilet. On Monday night, Sean was putting him to bed and really had to go to the bathroom. He brought Stephen into the bathroom and showed him what he was doing. Well, Stephen had his diaper off at that point and got on the ground and proceed to pee on the bath mat in the bathroom. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. Boys.
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