Friday, April 3, 2009

Love's Recovery

(Title comes from an Indigo Girls song of the same name)  

I've been thinking this week and talking with Sean about my recovery.   I'm becoming a better mom, wife, and probably person as I recover.  Things are really getting easier day by day.  I'm able to walk a mile, go to the grocery store, and not get extremely exhausted by the end of the day.  I'm back to making dinner and Sean's lunch.  I seem to have more patience with Stephen then pre-surgery.  The recovery on the whole has been easier than life pre-surgery.  Granted, the first two or three weeks were tough, but since then it really has been getting much easier.  I've started doing more and more difficult exercises and stretches and next week, I'm going back to the gym.  

I'm so glad I had this done now.  I'm so excited about my life post surgery, about all the things I can/will be able to do soon.  My hip doesn't have to be the excuse not to do things any more.  The next challenge will be soon, when our dog, Emmy, comes back home and will be just a bundle of (trained) energy.  I'm confident though that I will be able to handle it.

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