Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend of Water and Soccer

This weekend, Sean's parents came up to watch Kaitlyn play soccer for another competitive team, Challenge.  We also had fun going to the pool with Nancy.  Stephen though has changed from cute little Charlie Brown to Dennis the Menace sometimes...determined to get his way and to make mischief. 


Vivie Bear said...

so is he swimming on his own now??! or is he just standing up in the shallow end? either way...impressive :) patti

Shelbitha said...

No, not swimming on his own, just will walk in water up to his neck. :) He sometimes falls, goes underwater, and I'll pick him back up. By the end of the day that day though, he was voluntarily putting his head in the water and leaving it for 10 sec. He can get out of the pool on his own (and his crib, which thank goodness we transitioned when we did)

Shelbitha said...

I'm glad you are moving your pool party, so now we will be able to attend :)