Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lost Again

We finished Season 3, so now we are on to Season 4. I bought a cable to hook up my ipod to my tv (thanks Dave for the idea) and are buying Season 4 episodes on Itunes.


Lilli Smith said...

Phew! At first I thought it might have been Lola who was lost. Glad it's about the show. Make sure and watch the 8 min update....and David can fill you in on all the theories out there about what the heck is going on.

Shelbitha said...

We apologize to David, with whom we saw one Season 4 episode...We asked these questions which he could not answer and now we know that we must have been annoying. Such as, "Why can't they just get off the island?"

dog food sugar said...

I've watched every season and I still don't know what's going on. Is David the family go-to guy for "Lost" questions? I'm going to start a list. The spooky letters falling in that black hole of an opener get me. every. time.