Sunday, June 15, 2008

Da Da Day

Happy Father's Day, or Da Da Day to all


Anonymous said...

Shel, it's such fun to check your blog every few days and see what Stephen is doing. Thanks for keeping those of us who are far away connected. Marjo

Anonymous said...

What a nice Father's/Grandfather's Day present! I think I will count that as crawling!

Love, Dad

Vivie Bear said...

oh wow! look at him go! that's pretty impressive for only 8 months. he's a fiesty lil' guy, huh? :) cuzin p

Anonymous said...

Every day is Father's day with a joy like this! I love your pictures. Thank you Shelby

Martha Smith said...

I love how he explores the boundaries between carpet and wood floor, between creeping and crawling, and between verbalizing and talking--what a smart little boy! Love, Granny Smith