Monday, October 13, 2008

Politics, Prose, and Blogging

A recent comment on the Palin posting on this blog has gotten me to think about the appropriateness of a response and the purpose of this blog. While this blog does feature pictures, videos, songs, and stories of my child, husband, and myself, they are not the only things going on...from time to time, not very often, I will post political comments, comments about world events, and other random things. What happens in the world as well as how I feel about it is all a part of constructing a life worth living. I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I expect readers to know that I don't intend to offend anyone.


Vivie Bear said...

well said. i agree with you that the leadership of our country DIRECTLY affects our children, and therefore your political comments and opinions definitely have a place on stephen's blog. go forth brave one :) my 2 cents, pj

Shelbitha said...

actually, your comment makes me think of how that really is...when you have a kid, you really think about the world not only through their eyes, but how it effects them. Like, how much debt are we really going to be leaving our kids' generation and is that fair? and if we are supposed to teach our children to leave things better than they found them, what kind of example are we setting?

dog food sugar said...
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