I called Dish Network this evening to ask about a charge on my bill, and perhaps have it taken off if it didn't need to be there. According to them, they have changed their "internal security measures" to not allow the spouse to talk about the account without the spouse's verbal consent. They did not notify their customers of this change by mail, email, or phone, but it took into account on August 1st of this year, apparently because the number of divorces and custody battles or some crap like that. There's no bit of information that I can give to them that proves that I am Sean's spouse and am authorized on the account, they won't take it. I am so livid to the point where I said that I may cancel the account, but they said that the account holder would have to do that. It makes me so livid because there's nothing that has changed in Sean's and my status between now and then, but that I was an authorized person on the account, and now I'm not. Being that I'm the person responsible for calling and doing all of this in our relationship, I should have the account in my name, but this was all done years ago. What happened to treating spouses as if they were married and made decisions together? Has the divorce rate made this an untrue assumption that makes it harder for married people to speak on their spouse's behalf?
I wonder if the change in security measures has pissed off more people than it has been meant to "protect" and perhaps it wasn't a good business decision because of this. I threaten to leave at least once a year to get better deals and usually get at least $5-20 off my bill at some point, sometimes more. I used to call the cable company and get their deal and then call Dish and go back and forth with who could give me the better deal on the set up that what we wanted. I said that their level of security was equivalent to loans taken out in one spouse's name that the other spouse has to be authorized to speak for that spouse who is on the loan documents. Given that the satellite company is not a mortgage broker and the security level is not even close to that level, it is quite ridiculous.
Ok, enough spouting off. Must eat.
2 years ago
Gee, I thought things had changed since I had to fight to get accounts in my name when we first moved to Washington 40 years ago. You go, girl, but don't let the turkeys get you down. Saving a few dollars on TV service isn't worth getting your blood boiling. Still, the Kirkpatrick side of your family would be proud! Love, Mom
Ugh. I hate that stuff. And if they do send you the changes in the mail or email it's so PAINFULLY LONG that only a masochist would read it anyhow. I know I should look at those mailers but often they get shredded with the credit card aps.
The paranoid consumer in me wonders if Internal Security Measures is marketingSPEAK for monitoring you somehow.... 'They watch 30Rock - send them GE product flyers!'
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