Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bionic Woman

Originally uploaded by shelbitha
Today, I had my first post op appointment. After waiting an hour, which Sean just loved, we saw the doctor and it is all systems go. I am not supposed to use the cane while walking in the house, but I am supposed to walk a lot and with the cane on longer walks. I look good and will do some more physical therapy, but in a couple of weeks on my own to walk more and do more exercises that I have. I can now drive and I;m not house bound!

Stephen is just fine. He clapped with me today while singing "When you are happy and you know it, clap your hands". We think he said golf this past weekend, while watching some of the golf tournament on T.V. much to the delight of his daddy and grand dad.


Carol Starr said...

Hi Shelby,

I'm sorry that I have taken this long to let you know how much I have been thinking about and praying for you. You are more awesome and brave than ever. Of course, Stephen can dance! His Mom has been a Bionic woman all her life..rising above any/every hurdle and leading us in the dance. We love you!


Martha Smith said...

We're happy for you and clapping our hands with Stephen that you're "good to go." Looks like the surgeon did a fine job. I can sympathize with Sean about waiting an hour for the doctor to see you--if I only had a share of Microsoft stock for every hour orthopods kept us waiting 30 years ago. All those exercises you are doing are making you truly fit and awesome! Love, Mom

Vivie Bear said...

Wow shelby that is so, so great that you are improving every day! I love your comparison to Benjamin Button awhile back. YOu were so brave to take charge of your health like this. I know it has been a difficult journey but I feel certain you will come thru it stronger than ever. Hope to see you while Lilli is in town. Take care, Love Patti

dog food sugar said...

Hi Shelby! So glad to hear about your progress. And YAY for the word 'golf.' That's very cute. We also have been thinking of you - hoping the best for you.