Monday, September 29, 2008

First Steps: Evidence

Stephen recreated his first VERY wobbly steps on Saturday morning before we had all gotten dressed.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Sean doesn't believe it because Stephen didn't walk for him, but Stephen did take a couple of steps on his own yesterday. We got him a walker and he's walking around now with it. When I first tried for a picture with it, he let go and stood on his own for a couple of seconds.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My entire life is being blogged

I was looking for outfits for Stephen for his photo shoot, yes you read that right, he is getting a photo shoot for his one year birthday with a friend of a friend. Anyway, I found this infant shirt and thought it was pretty accurate.

Monday, September 22, 2008

This weekend

We had a fabulous visit with David this weekend, really just spending time with one another and hanging out. We had a great homemade chicken pot pie on Friday night with our friends Sarah and Eric Bell and then had a great steak dinner on Saturday night. On Sunday night, Sean and I went to a co-worker's house to watch the football game and have some burgers. I put Stephen to sleep in a spare bedroom. About 15 minutes later some other person found him on a level below the bedroom. He had woken up, crawled downstairs and just was sitting there crying. He didn't seemed to have hurt himself getting down the stairs. We've been showing him how to go feet first; I guess he went down that way this time. Needless to say, we were very shaken and went home and put him to bed. I think every parent has this moment as "oh my god, my kid is that mobile, I need to be so careful." I've heard stories about kids crawling out of cribs and coming to their parents. I just didn't think we were there yet.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What is old is new again

Stephen fits into Sean's old jelly's from when he was a kid. His shirt says Mr. Mischief. He looked so cute going to the park again yesterday.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Gorgeous Post Ike weather

It is below 80 degrees and just gorgeous, so Stephen and I went to the park this afternoon. I think this picture is one of the cutest of him. There were tons of people there at the local park. I got "advice" from a bystander mom saying that I was swinging him too high in the swing, but I said, "thanks" and just left her to think that I was endangering my child, so what, he loves it. I should have shown her how he likes to be hung upside down too...that would have scared her to death.

Stephen in the kitchen

I took a bunch of these type pictures from this weekend. He likes to take things out of drawers, but hasn't figured out how to put things back in, that is, except himself...

Feeling a little guilty

I saw the newborn photos of some friends today that they had professionally taken and they look great. I'm feeling a little guilty about thinking of not having Stephen's first birthday party be grand (maybe just a breakfast and a hat) and going out for our 4th anniversary instead (same day and time as Stephen's birth). Sean was telling me of a very grand 1st birthday party including a bouncey house. Also feeling guilty that we haven't had the standard Dallas professional photo shoot for our baby. I thought about opening it up to the readers of the blog using the poll feature. All votes are confidential :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Random Postings

I have a bunch of random stuff, so I thought I'd collect it all into one post:

-for the last couple of weeks, Stephen has been coming into our bed and snuggling at 6am to 7am. Its so nice and it allows all of us to get more sleep and reminds me of when I was little. We have discovered that he only likes it for an hour, so coming into bed at 5am does not work and leaves everyone tired.

-Stephen is such a boy, he's started to really like cars. He's moved on from some of the younger toys to cars, trucks, and such. Its amazing that gender specific toys are favored so young.

-I saw a bumber sticker on a car yesterday that said, NObama08

-I think our city thinks that we recycle too much and were tired of seeing our blue bags. (Yes, they actually do care about the asthetics of the alleyways, why I don't know) We used to place our blue recycling bags next to the dumpster out in the alley and they would pick them up. We now have a dumpster in the alley that is exclusively for recyclables. YAAY.

-My in-laws have already made it out of Houston, they had already planned to go to Notre Dame to see Kaitlyn play soccer, but I hope that all the other family and friends in Houston are safe and/or out of there.

-Happy Birthday to my husband today. I love you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Future Executive Part 2

This weekend, Stephen helped Grandpa Eidson with some computer work. We enjoyed having Summer, Jon, Nancy, and Frank this weekend. Unfortunately Stephen has a cold at the moment and is a little under the weather, but we had fun none-the-less.
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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin Political Post

I'm trying not to judge Sarah Palin's personal life (not doing well on that), but it does reflect on her, just like Bill Clinton's personal life reflected on him. I once heard that the definition of integrity was being the same person in the public eye as in private. If the private life is not in good order, or at least in chaos, then it makes everything harder. The good things: She breastfeeds that 5 month old baby and takes him to work with her, although I'm not sure that taking your 5 month old into work with you is the most professional.

My view: She's going to be outclassed...and not because of her personal life.

I looked up her education because I hadn't heard anything about it. She transferred to three smallish colleges before graduating from the University of Idaho in journalism and a MINOR in political science. She was a sports reporter for a while before getting pregnant. She got to be mayor of her small town of 9,000 because she had lived there all her life and was president of the PTA. Note: just shows how all politics is local.

Both my parents come from small towns, and Sean comes from a smallish to mid size city. All three of them are proud of where they came from, as they should be as it made them who they are. They have all three left though because they knew that there was much more out there to see and do.

I don't necessarily care whether or not she can hunt, but I do care about whether or not she has put any thought into Israel and the rest of the Middle East, what she thinks about immigration reform, even what she she smart? Does she surround herself with smart people who guide her? She made a comment last night that she may not believe in all of the protections of the fourth amendment of search and seizure protections. Why not? It would seem to me that in a wild west state of Alaska, one might be fearful of the government takings, of land, of gun etc.

Comedy Central sometimes does a really great job of reporting

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This time of year

I started this blog in August of last year. 192 posts, a kid, a house, and a dog later, here we are. Thanks for reading along with us.

Kermit goes swimming

Last night, we found Kermit had on goggles. Juana, Stephen's nanny, had put them on.
We thought it was hillarious.
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