Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin Political Post

I'm trying not to judge Sarah Palin's personal life (not doing well on that), but it does reflect on her, just like Bill Clinton's personal life reflected on him. I once heard that the definition of integrity was being the same person in the public eye as in private. If the private life is not in good order, or at least in chaos, then it makes everything harder. The good things: She breastfeeds that 5 month old baby and takes him to work with her, although I'm not sure that taking your 5 month old into work with you is the most professional.

My view: She's going to be outclassed...and not because of her personal life.

I looked up her education because I hadn't heard anything about it. She transferred to three smallish colleges before graduating from the University of Idaho in journalism and a MINOR in political science. She was a sports reporter for a while before getting pregnant. She got to be mayor of her small town of 9,000 because she had lived there all her life and was president of the PTA. Note: just shows how all politics is local.

Both my parents come from small towns, and Sean comes from a smallish to mid size city. All three of them are proud of where they came from, as they should be as it made them who they are. They have all three left though because they knew that there was much more out there to see and do.

I don't necessarily care whether or not she can hunt, but I do care about whether or not she has put any thought into Israel and the rest of the Middle East, what she thinks about immigration reform, even what she she smart? Does she surround herself with smart people who guide her? She made a comment last night that she may not believe in all of the protections of the fourth amendment of search and seizure protections. Why not? It would seem to me that in a wild west state of Alaska, one might be fearful of the government takings, of land, of gun etc.


dog food sugar said...

I generally try and keep politics out of my blog but I think I may have to break that with this election. The Palin stuff infuriates me pretty much. Like why do we need to treat her with kid gloves while Hilary was dragged over the coals for years. Palin has a lot of questionable stuff in that background. I can't wait for the debates. Not that they change my opinion - I'm just an addict for the political theater right now.

Ugh! Sorry! I'll put it on my own blog. Thoughtful post by the way.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I think that this comment warrants some response! It probably is best to keep politics out of a blog that family members are viewing to see your lovely family.

First and foremost, I think that Palin demonstrates courage and let us all remember that where you went to school is sometimes not a measure of how well you relate to socitey or success.

I think that the attacks on her are somewhat rediculous and apparent of a threat that many are feeling. Why is it ok for Biden to not even know the history of this country? I guess because he is a Democrat and that makes it excusable!

Perhaps we should look at the example that Michelle Obama demonstrates as a potential first lady. I have yet to see what she would bring to this country along with her husband.

Sorry Shelby but you sort of asked for this.

Just remember that not everyone has had the benefit of attending prestigious schools. Many of us attend schools that offer the different benefits such as how to survive in this world and relate to everyday people. I happen to be one of those people and I am very proud of my education and have certainly demonstrated that not having that prestigious degree is out-talented by common sense and critical thinking skills that are conducive with life.

Oh and by the way, I believe that you worked from home with your baby at your side too. I dont view that as un-professional. I view that as a mom that can have the best of both worlds.