Monday, September 22, 2008

This weekend

We had a fabulous visit with David this weekend, really just spending time with one another and hanging out. We had a great homemade chicken pot pie on Friday night with our friends Sarah and Eric Bell and then had a great steak dinner on Saturday night. On Sunday night, Sean and I went to a co-worker's house to watch the football game and have some burgers. I put Stephen to sleep in a spare bedroom. About 15 minutes later some other person found him on a level below the bedroom. He had woken up, crawled downstairs and just was sitting there crying. He didn't seemed to have hurt himself getting down the stairs. We've been showing him how to go feet first; I guess he went down that way this time. Needless to say, we were very shaken and went home and put him to bed. I think every parent has this moment as "oh my god, my kid is that mobile, I need to be so careful." I've heard stories about kids crawling out of cribs and coming to their parents. I just didn't think we were there yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Stephen...and poor Sean and Shelby.