Monday, September 15, 2008

Feeling a little guilty

I saw the newborn photos of some friends today that they had professionally taken and they look great. I'm feeling a little guilty about thinking of not having Stephen's first birthday party be grand (maybe just a breakfast and a hat) and going out for our 4th anniversary instead (same day and time as Stephen's birth). Sean was telling me of a very grand 1st birthday party including a bouncey house. Also feeling guilty that we haven't had the standard Dallas professional photo shoot for our baby. I thought about opening it up to the readers of the blog using the poll feature. All votes are confidential :)


Martha Smith said...

Guilt schmildt! Stick with your great real pictures and let others spend their not-so-hard-earned money on glitzy portraits and over-the-top celebrations that no one-year old could ever remember. I think commissioning a Bren Bataclan beats all that hands down! Glad you're having cooler weather. Love, Granny Smith

Lilli Smith said...

Have you seen the pictures that Michelle had taken of Aileen and Caroline? They are really really beautiful. I agree that the celebration probably won't be too memorable for little s, but the pictures will be....You could also ask Patty who I bet has some good photographer friends. I would definitely steer away from Sears, but a good camera with depth of field can really make for some special pictures.

Anonymous said...

I say skip the party and enjoy some family time. The big glitzy parties are usually more for the parents than for the child. But I do vote for some chocolate cake for the little guy.