Saturday, October 11, 2008

Birthday and Brunch

I'm trying to upload Stephen's slideshow from 7 months to a year, but one of the songs that I used, Guns N' Roses, Sweet Child of Mine, caused Youtube to ask about using copyrighted material. I wikipedied copyright issues and youtube and I found a case that is very similar to mine and I am in the process of challenging Youtube via an online form. I think I'm within the fair use guidelines of the copyright law, since I own the cd from which the song comes, I am not using it for commercial purposes, and I'm creating a slideshow, but we'll see. In the meantime, here's two pictures of Stephen. The first on his birthday during his photo shoot, and the second one this morning during an outing to a restaurant for brunch. He really liked the orange slice we gave him. Sean and I had a good time last night going to dinner and seeing the Stars hockey game, which they unfortunately lost in overtime.
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1 comment:

Erin Miller said...

I LOVE the photo with the orange slice. The colors and his expression are awesome!!! Great Job!