Monday, October 20, 2008

Small Birthday party for Stephen and Kaitlyn

Yesterday, we had a small birthday party for Stephen and Aunt Kaitlyn, who turned 19 yesterday. We just had Sean's family and a few friends over. I felt like we had to do some traditional cake introducing! We cooked brisket and ribs and had homemade angel food cake topped with whipped cream and strawberries, which was excellent. Homemade angel food cake is really quite good. Stephen mostly just ate the whipped cream, but he had a good time, and then a bath. He really didn't like the hat on him, so Kaitlyn held it in place for a couple of pictures. :)
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Martha Smith said...

How cute! Nice party. Both Stephen and Kaitlyn look like they were having a good time. Happy Birthday to the happy guy and his aunt.
Love, Granny Smith

Unknown said...

awwww man. That looks like a super fun party and I missed it :(