Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Introducing www.constructingalife.com. It will be the new space for this blog in the future. The new site is still somewhat under construction, but all posts have been migrated to the new site.


Monday, September 14, 2009


Sean went out of town this weekend to New Mexico for his birthday to go golfing. That left Stephen and I this weekend on a rainy, wet weekend. We had fun coloring with crayons, eating, and trying to take rain walks. We found that crayons are a lot less messy than markers, and they have a cool built in sharpener in the back of the box of 64. He says pretty much a new word everyday now. He likes "off" to take off his clothes, "Mo" for "Elmo", "up" to get mommy up.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

And he's out like a light

The rare times when I can just sit and watch him sleep when I can actually see him in the light, I think to myself that he is so angelic. All sins are forgiven and he is so peaceful. There's no 2 year old devilish ways, no "no", just being. The past couple of days, he's been napping in his stroller while I take a walk with the dogs after being tired out at school, but unable to sleep. It's only in the low 90's here :), so it is "cool" enough to take a walk in the afternoon without getting too hot. It's good for all of us, good for the dogs to be getting out, good for Stephen, and good exercise for me.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Dallas Aquarium

Sean, Stephen, and I had a great time at the Dallas Aquarium today. It was packed, but Stephen loved to see all of the animals. I think it was more accessible than the zoo, because the animals are mostly small animals and he could walk around a lot. We got him a rubber snake at the end because at the wedding in Atlanta he loved playing with a rubber snake.

What a week

Stephen hated school. It's official. He had a tough week last week. He didn't nap and cried and whined all day, saying, "ma ma", but apparently he did learn some artistic skills, as he has created his first marker masterpiece for mommy this weekend. After school he was plastered on mommy until an early bedtime, and woke up a bunch during the night, apparently scared that we had left him forever. This weekend he has a runny nose, but finally (and thank goodness for 3 day weekend), we have all three of us caught up on sleep and feel a little better. I know in my heart that it really is the best thing for him, as it gives him opportunities for socializing, art, and other things that he may not get at home (although I need to add to my child art supplies, which should be fun) There were bright sides to school, apparently they have an 18 year old high school student as an intern one day of week, and Stephen had an instant report with him and was just his buddy the whole time he was there. It is just going to take a while before he really feels as comfortable as he did with Juana or with us.

We had a nice time with Nancy and Frank this weekend, who came up for Kaitlyn's soccer game on Friday night, which they won. Stephen didn't make it to the game, but he did to the tailgate. We also had a really nice time at the SMU boulevarding, essentially their tailgating for their football game on Saturday. Stephen really enjoyed the parade with a band.

Stephen is REALLY enjoying playing football. He has several footballs that I've developed a game with him to play. He goes back to pass, he can tackle, kick an extra point, and do a touchdown dance (essentially 2 fist pumps). He says "ball" every time we pass the Highland Park football stadium or the SMU stadium or see anyone in the park play pee wee football or etc.

We are off to the Arboretum and/or the Aquarium today for a little family time.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Not Sick Anymore

So, Stephen didn't go to preschool because he hasn't been feeling very well, but following a doctor's appointment, where she pronounced nothing was seriously wrong, he is better. We think it might have been some kind of stomach bug where Stephen didn't really want to eat much for the past week and has been uncharacteristically lethargic. Not even his favorite Yo Baby Yogurt, which is when we know that something is really wrong, when he won't eat his yogurt. We think he is going to be well enough to go to preschool tomorrow...Here he is napping on our bed, which he rarely does.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Big changes coming

On August 31st, Stephen is going to preschool at Carlisle School just on Lovers Lane near our house. It is a Montessori school and they have uniforms...right now he just has to wear a blue shirt with the school name on it and blue shorts. He will go every day and we will let go our wonderful nanny Juana, who has been such a help to us in the last couple of months. We think it will be good for him, very good for him, but we are bracing for the transition period.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wedding in Atlanta, toddler style

This weekend was a friend of mine, Betsy's, wedding in Atlanta. I went on Thursday of last week, while Sean took Stephen on Friday. We were all in the wedding. I was a bridesmaid, Sean the officiant, and Stephen "junior ring bearer". On Saturday, we tried to go to Stone Mountain, where I had never been, but we went to a barn type of place where they had activities for kids about 5 years old and it scared Stephen. So then we headed over to the free playground, where he had fun for a while. We went to lunch at Sean's friend's house over near Turner Field, which was nice, although Stephen bit Rybolt, who is only 2 months younger. Fortunately the parents were really cool, didn't freak out, and we are still friends. Stephen then took a 10 minute nap in the car on the way back to the hotel. :) During the ceremony, he didn't really like the heat and just melted. I ducked out after walking down the aisle and held him inside while Sean did the ceremony. As I walked back down the aisle, I handed him to Sean, where he was fine. At the reception, he was a ROCK STAR. He danced and danced and danced until 11pm. Then he fell asleep on Sean's shoulders and Sean and I got to dance with Stephen asleep on Sean, which was actually very nice. We stayed up until 12 and then walked back to the hotel. He proceeded to be pretty much a rock star on the plane the next day when Sean got upgraded and poor mom was in coach. We traded him back and forth; he liked the cookie from 1st class. We were too busy to make a lot of pictures, but hey, that's what the official photographer is for. She showed me some good shots she got of Stephen, so I'm looking forward to seeing those prints. Stephen had a fan club in my friends who were very impressed by his dancing. During a lot of the evening he was imitating a five year old boy who was breakdancing and having a lot of fun too. All in all a good trip, although tiring at times, but fun.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To the book store

The other day, I took Stephen for his first trip to the book store, and boy did he LOVE going. A whole store just for books. I told him we were looking for books we didn't have, and he did a good job of choosing some classics, like some Dr. Seuss books, while I reached up high and got, "Where the Sidewalk Ends", one of my FAVORITES (partly because his name was Shel I'll admit). He also reached up for a Grover stuffed animal, so we got it.

We're off to Atlanta for a friend's wedding this weekend with Stephen. We're looking forward to seeing Emory and seeing some old friends as well.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday Night at the Park with Friends

Sunday night, Sean, Stephen and I met our friends, the Smaardyk/Bell's and the Gray's for swimming, park, and cook out. The kids had a lot of fun. We picked up some random kid whose parents were somewhere else in the park...

Eating at the Table

Stephen likes to eat at the table sometimes with his own plate. Tonight he had dinner of hot dog, chips, broccoli, a couple peanuts, and then a little later, watermelon which he loves. He has started to use his fork sometimes, but not always.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Sean got Stephen a tricycle. He's been a little frustrated because he doesn't exactly know how to do the pedals yet, but he really likes being on it...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm an aunt and other milestones

I'm so pleased to announce I'm an aunt to Violet Kirkpatrick Smith, born Saturday August 1, 2009 at 5:55am. I'm so proud of my sister for giving birth naturally and gracefully. I'm so excited to see her and take pictures of her being so beautiful.

Stephen has been just going through a growth spurt. He now says, "aqua", "no", "mil" for milk, and "pa da" for diaper. He is eating like a tree, wanting meat and protein. He's swimming underwater (voluntarily going under water, kicking, and moving forward for a bit), climbing the playground equipment with growing ease, and LOVING sports. all kinds of sports. It started with golf and has now grown to include baseball and soccer. We got this ABC book of baseball from Summer, his aunt, and he has grown to LOVE baseball. In fact, this morning he went to the playground that has a baseball diamond, and he went on the pitcher's mound and proceeded to "bat" from there, which means he uses his little wooden bat to bat a tennis ball like a golf ball. He does have his sports mixed up, but at least he has dedication.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Busy Weekend of Fun in Houston

This weekend, Sean, Stephen, and I went down to Houston. Sean helped the family buy a car, we went swimming, and to a baseball game on Saturday night, Stephen's first. He liked the game, but the far away seats didn't keep him involved in the action. It was a horrible game against the Mets, ending up 10-3, but it was fun none-the-less. Stephen almost got hit with a foul ball. Frank tried to shield Stephen, who was on Grandma's lap, and the ball bounced off Frank's hand. I tried to get the ball, but the woman in front of us got to it and wouldn't give it up. I think for his next game we'll go to a minor league game where we can get closer to the field and he can keep up with the action. He loved running down the ramp and walking to the car, and was able to stay for the whole game, which was fun.

Monday, July 20, 2009

One more golf picture from Top Golf

Sean wants me to show that Stephen has a great follow through...

More Top Golf Stories

So Top Golf is a driving range/miniature golf/batting cage place where the driving range has balls which have RFID and you can hit them to targets which gets you points depending on a couple of different game rules. They also have a putting green where we waited for a slot for the driving range. Stephen loved the putting green and the driving range, but did NOT understand taking turns, so Sean got almost no time to hit balls himself. But, we were there for 2-3 hours each day, as Stephen just couldn't get enough of it. The driving range also has a restaurant that serves beer and food, including kids food, so we had dinner there both Saturday and Sunday nights. On Sunday, we had gone to get Stephen some new clubs (they were inexpensive) which were not plastic, but they turned out to be way too heavy for him, although that did not deter him from hitting with them.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Top Golf

Last night and today, Sean, Stephen, and I went to Top Golf. Last night, we went with some friends. Stephen had such a good time that we decided to go back today. This picture is last night, after he came home and before he went to bed. He was so tired, but so happy that he had played golf with dad....more pictures to come.

Official First Word

Stephen has started saying, "no" with quite an vengeance. Its the first word he has really used to convey his wishes. While it is quite cute now, I think it might get old in only a couple of days.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009


He now has curls on top of his head.

Family Time

I like that time in the morning from about 6 to 7am when we are all in one bed snuggling and sleeping. It's a very nice way to wake up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

On the verge of greatness

I've taken so many pictures, I'm behind in processing them (making them better, editing them) by photoshop. This past week, Stephen and I met Sean in San Francisco to visit my aunt and family. We had a good time going to the Marin County Fair and just hanging out and visiting. Mom got scared by a living statue at the fair, and Stephen had fun with blocks. He turned into Mr. Hyde at various points during the trip. We've gotten to the point where time outs don't seem to work, so I'm trying new methods of dealing with this. Mostly just saying, "stop, there are other ways of showing mommy that you are frustrated, like drumming," and then we go off into one of his favorite books, Hum Drum Hum Drum. He's teething, getting his two year molars, and really taking it hard. We are glad that these are his last teeth for a while. Tonight he said, "ahhh" and let me look in. He's got his bottom two but waiting for the top two to bust through. While Sean's mom is here while Kaitlyn is being a counselor at SMU soccer camp, Sean and I are going on a date night tomorrow because this last little bit with Stephen has been rough. We know better days are to come though. We are beginning to hear some language. We think he may have said, "aqua", "ball", and "momma", and probably, "no". In the past two days he has waved "bye-bye" and understood when people left, which is a huge improvement. A couple of weeks ago, Stephen was being a brat, and Sean asked me what was wrong, I said, "oh, he's just on the verge of something great" Hopefully, it will come soon.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

While Sean is away

we go to the park.  Sean is in Oregon with my dad and brother having a good time playing golf.  Stephen and I are having fun in the 100 degree heat here.  We're about to go to the pool to cool off, but I took this shot this morning at the park.  I just got new shoes for him on Friday...he's growing.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Because this blog is a record of Stephen's milestones, and I haven't done that recently, this post will highlight what Stephen can do now at 20 months. 

He does:
-sleep in a bed (and climbs out of a crib, so we are taking that down)
-climb out of a pool by himself
-walk in water up to his neck
-put face in water voluntarily
-hit a golf ball with a club pretty hard
-kick a soccer ball
-throw ball for dog
-eat relatively well (not supper, not a bird, trying to go beyond yogurt everyday); eats a variety of foods including salsa, guacamole, hummus, tamales, soup, steak, sandwiches.
-drinks out of a cup with help holding really well
-given up bottle
-understand most things we tell him in Spanish and English, including, "your ball is on the other side of the couch", knows most body parts, knows who Obama and Tiger Woods are, knows most of his animals
-can scribble with crayon/pen on paper
-can sit at the table to eat (occasionally) with limited time frame for sitting.

Still working on: 
-aggression for everyone/everything including dogs, people, everything
-talking, any words would be nice
-testing whether or not we actually mean, "no" (I suspect we will be working on this for years)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend of Water and Soccer

This weekend, Sean's parents came up to watch Kaitlyn play soccer for another competitive team, Challenge.  We also had fun going to the pool with Nancy.  Stephen though has changed from cute little Charlie Brown to Dennis the Menace sometimes...determined to get his way and to make mischief. 

Monday, June 15, 2009

Homemade Pizza

Sean and I love to cook together and one of our favorites is homemade pizza.  Last's night's homemade pizza was just about the best I'd ever made so I thought I'd share my recipe.  It takes a while, so it really is best on a Sunday, but it is not labor intensive, nor expensive to do.

Dough: (makes 2 12 inch pizza crusts)
1 c. whole wheat flour
2 c. all purpose flour
1 T. vegetable oil
2 T. honey
1 package yeast
1 1/4 c. warm water
1 1/2 t. sugar
pinch salt

Proof yeast with water and sugar for at least 5-10 minutes or until the appropriate amount of bubbles form.  While waiting for the yeast, get together all the other ingredients.  Then mix in yeast, water, sugar mixture and mix in mixer with dough hook until it forms a ball.  Then place in oiled bowl, cover, and place in dark warm place until risen double. (about an hour to an hour and a half).  Then split into 2 and place into low bowls or on cookie sheet to rise another 1/2 hour or until use.

Tomato Sauce 
1 small onion or half a large onion cut into small pieces
2 or more garlic cloves (depending on your like of garlic) chopped fine
2 T. olive oil
1/2 t. to 1 t. or to taste chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (I like to get a can of these and then put it in the food processor to chop it up and then I save it in the refrigerator for use such as this.)
1/4 of a bottle of red wine
1 can chicken broth
1 large can crushed tomatoes
1 T. oregano
salt/pepper to taste

Saute the onion and garlic in olive oil until translucent, careful not to burn the garlic. Add tomatoes, broth, and wine.  Bring up to a boil and then simmer for a couple of hours on stove, checking every so often.  If the sauce is getting too thick, you can add water or more broth.  Add chipotle peppers, oregano and salt and pepper at the last moment.

To make the pizza, we heated preheated the oven with 2 pizza stones in it at 425.  Then we rolled/stretched the dough onto the pizza stone and cooked for 5 minutes.  We then added the toppings, which were onions, peppers already cooked, and pepperoni.  Place back into the oven and cook for approximately 14 more minutes, checking at 12 minutes for doneness.  After it cooked, we added fresh basil that we grew in our herb garden.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Water Fun

It is SO HOT here in Dallas. It is in the mid-90's and now summer. This week was great. I went to Phoenix for a conference and went to the Diamond Backs/Giants game for my birthday on Wednesday, which was fun.  When I came back, Stephen had learned that he could get out of his aerobed for kids that he's been sleeping on instead of a crib, open the door, and come into our room during the middle of the night.  On Saturday we went to the pool and had a lot of fun now that I bought a shirt for Stephen to wear in the water to keep him warm.  He swam and swam and swam.  Then we went to the house of Sean's co-worker for me to go horseback riding.  They live out in the country and his wife gives horseback riding lessons.  I got to trot on the horse, which is something that I've wanted to do for a long time.  It was a wonderful way to spend a birthday week.  Today, we didn't get to the pool, but instead beat the heat in our driveway with a hose and a baby pool that Sean's mom bought last summer.  This summer, he just wanted to take the water from the pool in a bucket and pour it out on him or on the driveway.  At the end, I gave him the hose and he just loved it.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cool Thursday

Yesterday evening, Sean, Stephen and I joined our friends Mark, Maurie and Gunnar Gray at the Dallas Arboretum for Cool Thursdays, a concert series. We heard a polka band and had a great time. Stephen and Gunnar both danced the night away and I got some great photos

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I know I'm cute

From 19 months

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Homegrown Tomatoes

My tomatoes are almost ripe.  In fact, after the rain fell this morning, one of them, not shown here, fell off, so I'll taste them and see if they are good.  This is my first attempt at tomatoes.  I'm also growing basil, mint, dill, rosemary, hot peppers, thyme, and sage, all in pots. Update: homegrown tomatoes are really good and really sweet.  I may have to try homegrown lettuce in pots.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rings on Fingers, Rings on Thumbs

Stephen's Chair

I've been looking for a chair for Stephen for a while and found a cheap one at CVS...He really likes it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Library of Congress on Flickr

I was browsing on Flickr and saw that the Library of Congress has uploaded many historical photos to Flickr, making them available to the public to download and use on the web, while retaining the original copyrighted material. I'm not sure exactly how they legally do this, but I think that it is a GREAT thing to make these wonderful photos public. They have about 1,600 from the Depression that they have just uploaded and also include this portrait of Abraham Lincoln.
[Abraham Lincoln, candidate for U.S. president. Half-length portrait, seated, facing front] (LOC)
Originally uploaded by The Library of Congress

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tears, Graduations, Illness, and Dogs

Last week, we joined Sean's family in Austin for a week of celebrating Kelly's graduation from University of Texas Graduate School. It was a trying week, as Stephen was really sick as a result of getting a cold from Sean. Through the tears, tantrums, and sleeplessness, we did manage to celebrate in style. We had a lot of good food, good conversations, and fun.  On our way back into town, Sean picked up Emmy, our dog.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

National Arthritis Foundation Walk

While at the YMCA working out this week, I found a link to the National Arthritis Foundation Walk here in Dallas this weekend, and I am walking.  They have a 1 and 3 mile walk and I think I will do the 3 mile one.  Please consider donating to the National Arthritis Foundation Walk in honor of me on my personal website. I couldn't have done this walk 3 months ago.  I want others with arthritis to be able to feel the same as I do now with new energy after 30 years of just dealing with it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I'm really getting into using this camera. It takes great pictures. I've got to look for a class at somewhere like SMU to learn more about digital photography, but I'm liking even the shots that I take out in the front yard. Here, Stephen is looking at a plane going by while we're out in the front before dinner time, hitting golf balls, and later trying on dad's sunglasses

Monday, May 11, 2009

Trip to Virginia

This weekend, we enjoyed some time with my family at our home in Virginia. We had a fabulous time with good food of course. Stephen had fun at Tot Time at our local Nature Center down the street from my parent's house. He really enjoyed touching the snake, but I think the craft part was a little old for him. He wanted to rip the paper snake apart, not glue it down to the paper. He did really well on the plane ride up, but had a meltdown on the plane back to Dallas probably due to having so much fun this weekend. Fortunately, we found he really enjoys looking out the window in the plane at take off and landing and seeing what's happening.  These pictures could really be in a Brooks Brothers catalog, although they don't do baby clothing for his age.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Sometimes Stephen is just busy doing something. Lately he moves pillows around the couch, on to the floor, and back on to the couch. He's been having fun just realizing how to climb up on the couch so its a good activity for him.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

First Saturday at Nasher Sculpture Garden

Stephen and I went to the Nasher today for First Saturdays where they have free admission.  We took advantage of small crowds due to hysteria about swine flu and the fact that it was almost raining to have some fun.  The guards ruined mommy's fun by stating we couldn't do as we pleased (I think they didn't have enough to do because they started making up rules) I got some great shots of Stephen with my new camera that I got as an early Mother's Day/Birthday present from Sean and Stephen.  I love it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So, Stephen's been taking swimming lessons at the Y, but what it really is is time to go swimming.  Well, last week, Stephen was really quite fussy and we ended up having to leave early.  After some talking with my mother in law and friend Amy who have taught kids to swim, apparently, I need to just let him go swim and let him go under and try to swim by himself.  Well, today I did.  While he can't keep his head above water because he isn't that strong yet, he can kick and move his arms enough to keep about 1-2 inches below the water, which I thought was great.  It really tired him out, so we didn't do it for too long, and it was definitely a new feeling for him, but wow, my kid can swim.  It is kind of unnerving for me, but I think I learned to let go a little.  He can get out of the pool himself and jump in himself too.  Obviously no picture of this because I'm the one in the water with him. :)

Rainy Day at Northpark

Our nanny asked for this Monday and Tuesday off to go to Mexico for her grandchildren's baptism, so I've kept Stephen for these two days. It has been really a lot of fun. It was raining really hard with tornado warnings and such on Monday morning and unsuitable to go to the park later on in the morning, so we spent some time at Northpark mall hanging out with the turtles and ducks they have there in a pond. At first Stephen was shy, but then as he warmed up, he got really quite bold, and started to clean windows of the stores and then try to shut their doors. He walked about half way to the car and stopped to play in a puddle in the parking lot. I couldn't quite get a picture of him stomping, but did of him stooping down into the water.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I love this image for some reason. I think I really like how the light was shining on the balcony.  Stephen's doing fine.  This week we're working on giving up the bottle finally, got a little cold, but basically doing well.  He has learned to hit the golf ball with the golf club and kick a soccer ball.  We're having fun and looking forward to some travel in May and this summer.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Cleaning a Life

Stephen and I decided to clean out our downstairs office today during a rainy morning and I tackled the filing cabinet, holding all our papers for the past 5 years and some from previous times.  Going through the papers makes me realize all that we have gone through/has happened in the past five years.  Among the finds:  
  • buying 4 different cars 
  • the not buying of 2 different cars (one had had a major accident that was not disclosed, and one was a smoker car.  Both of these we found out within 2 days of "buying" and we brought back to seller and didn't buy)
  • 1 car accident
  • 1 back surgery and 1 birth
  • warranties from appliances and the roof from the original 4144 Emerson that was torn down
  • 2 tenant leases from old house
  • 1 letter from neighbor about fence that was originally on his property when we closed on the original Emerson house.  Subsequent certified letters back and forth.  
  • A very cute letter received from a high school friend's father who has recently past away regarding a RSVP for our wedding.
  • 1 identity theft where a person stole my name and address to create a fraudulent Pay Pal account.  Documents include the police report I had to file and send to credit agency that was hounding me for unpaid amounts.
Stephen enjoyed playing with old golf clubs that are to go to Kaitlyn's boyfriend next weekend while I went through all the papers.  Stephen actually loves to clean.  He's learned now to take his diaper to the diaper pail after he gets off the changing table.  He also takes a rag and wipes off the table too.  He is way more messy than clean, but we're sure to encourage this clean side of him.

Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a very nice Easter weekend with Sean's family in Houston, where Stephen got to hunt some easter eggs that were filled with goldfish and some candy.  He didn't really like to give up the eggs and was a little perplexed at what to do when he already had one in each hand and he found a third on the ground.  It was cute and short and good fun.  We then all watched the Masters final round, which was very exciting, and then drove home later in the evening.  

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This one is for Grandpa....Dreaming of the Masters, or Future Golfer

Stephen took one of Sean's golf clubs to bed with him tonight.  He was tired out from a day of swimming lessons, playing at the park and watching the Masters with his dad.  We've been taking Stephen around town since I've felt better.  He went to the Nasher Museum First Saturdays, where they have free admission, last Saturday in the morning, went to the Farmer's Market to taste some good food, and then to Kaitlyn's SMU soccer game in the afternoon.  He had a GRAND ole time with the coach's sons who are 4 and 2 years old.  It was a little hard to keep him off the field, but perhaps we can work on that this fall.  This weekend, we are going to Houston to have an easter egg hunt and spend Easter with Sean's family.  His swimming lesson today was great.  He learned how to jump into the pool from standing up, get out of the pool, and he's getting closer to learning how to blow bubbles.  He's really likes swimming and all the older people at the YMCA taking water aerobics LOVE him.  I've signed him up for gymnastics lessons in June at the Y as well, two days a week in the late afternoons.  As you can see, he now sleeps with a pillow--on the floor for naps and in the crib for night time.  He pretty much always takes something to bed with him, but he varies on what it is.  Most of the time, it is some kind of ball, his sparkle ball, or the Astros soft baseball and soft soccer ball are his favorites.  What a boy...balls and sticks are really his favorites right now.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Love's Recovery

(Title comes from an Indigo Girls song of the same name)  

I've been thinking this week and talking with Sean about my recovery.   I'm becoming a better mom, wife, and probably person as I recover.  Things are really getting easier day by day.  I'm able to walk a mile, go to the grocery store, and not get extremely exhausted by the end of the day.  I'm back to making dinner and Sean's lunch.  I seem to have more patience with Stephen then pre-surgery.  The recovery on the whole has been easier than life pre-surgery.  Granted, the first two or three weeks were tough, but since then it really has been getting much easier.  I've started doing more and more difficult exercises and stretches and next week, I'm going back to the gym.  

I'm so glad I had this done now.  I'm so excited about my life post surgery, about all the things I can/will be able to do soon.  My hip doesn't have to be the excuse not to do things any more.  The next challenge will be soon, when our dog, Emmy, comes back home and will be just a bundle of (trained) energy.  I'm confident though that I will be able to handle it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Guest Blogger: Lilli Smith

Originally uploaded by shelbitha
Lilli here, Shel's sister and guest blogger. I went to Dallas last weekend to “take care” of Shel, but she didn’t need it! She is really doing great! It’s really pretty amazing how well she can get around in a little over a month. She’s not doing any marathons yet, but is off the cane in the house and she seems to handle the stairs very well – even carrying Stephen! At first I was a little worried as she woke up continuously vomiting for a couple hours on Saturday morning due to what she suspected was some old narcotics, but by lunch it was out of her system and she was up for going out for Tex Mex that night with our cousins. Her physical theraphy exercises seem to be helping and she says that she still sees pretty drastic daily improvements in her mobility.

Stephen is still a total little charmer with a smile that just melts me. I mentioned something about kisses and all of a sudden I had little tiny fish lips on my cheek. According to Shel and Sean, it was a kiss! He’s missing the smacking follow through, but he’s still the sweetest little kisser ever! Stephen just loves to read books and he’s developing a longer and longer attention span – in fact he likes to read the same books over and over and over. Besides reading, we had lots of conversations about “da”. Apparently “da” is everywhere in Dallas! And it means so much – cat, dog, duck, dad and garbage truck to name a few! He is quite expressive and excited with his “da!”s. He’s a boy after my own heart always wanting to be outside and we had some quality park time in the warm Texas sunshine. I left early Monday morning to go back to cold rainy Boston --it was a short trip, but hopefully somewhat helpful. I’m so happy that you’re on the mend Shel!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bionic Woman

Originally uploaded by shelbitha
Today, I had my first post op appointment. After waiting an hour, which Sean just loved, we saw the doctor and it is all systems go. I am not supposed to use the cane while walking in the house, but I am supposed to walk a lot and with the cane on longer walks. I look good and will do some more physical therapy, but in a couple of weeks on my own to walk more and do more exercises that I have. I can now drive and I;m not house bound!

Stephen is just fine. He clapped with me today while singing "When you are happy and you know it, clap your hands". We think he said golf this past weekend, while watching some of the golf tournament on T.V. much to the delight of his daddy and grand dad.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stephen is not alone

The Associated Press reported recently that more babies were born in 2007 in the US than any other year in history.  I hope this will not harm Stephen's chances at going to the college of his choice.  Sean and I were both born during years of lower birth rates.

Sorry about video troubles on the previous post.  I suspect it is due to the apple format of the video.  I will try to change it soon.  I'm still learning some things new to the mac after having a PC for more than 15 years.  I did, however, set up my VPN and work email address in less than an hour with no help from my IT department, because they didn't know it could be done.  

Friday, March 20, 2009

Stephen Dances and Mommy Walks

Stephen dances pretty well, as you can see in this video. I'm doing better and better by the day really. Today I took probably about a quarter of a mile walk and feel pretty good.  I feel a little tired, but nothing out of the ordinary.  I'm back to about 100% of pre-surgery which is nice.  I walk with the cane, but I try to not walk with the cane for very short distances around the house.  I'm working on my posture, since I've been walking the wrong way for about 28 years now.  I'm ready to not be house bound anymore, but am loving the nice weather that we are having allowing me to get outside to escape the house.  

We just got a new imac, as my computer was in the process of dying a slow death, getting slower and non responsive sometimes.  I love it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just the three of us

My mom left us on Monday afternoon, after 10 days of wonderful care giving of both Stephen and I. While I really appreciated her coming and taking care of us, it is nice to have a couple of days before my mother in law gets here to just be the three of us. There's an hour or so in the morning and about an hour and a half in the afternoon, where I don't have child care available to me, and Stephen and I have really enjoyed our time together. As I take on more mommy duties, he's gradually liking me more, which feels good. One key to Stephen's happiness in the afternoons is keeping the balcony door open, giving him some kind of big stick, and turning on some music for him to dance to occasionally. That, and we have some Sesame Street DVR'd for some cuddle time with mommy in the mornings, which is kinda nice (even though it is TV, it is Sesame Street, which I enjoy too, and it is only for like 20 minutes). I'm getting stronger and more able to handle him and he is adjusting to the fact he must come over to the couch to be picked up. We had mommy races in the living room too, where he chased mommy using her walker. It was a close race.

Now to a funnier story: I think it may be time to get Stephen introduced to a kid toilet. On Monday night, Sean was putting him to bed and really had to go to the bathroom. He brought Stephen into the bathroom and showed him what he was doing. Well, Stephen had his diaper off at that point and got on the ground and proceed to pee on the bath mat in the bathroom. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. Boys.
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Friday, March 6, 2009

Hip update

So I haven't blogged in more than a week!, but I have been busy. My hip surgery went well last Wednesday and I've been home from the hospital a week from tomorrow. I can now get up and down stairs, take a shower, get the mail, and generally be pretty happy. I can't put on my own pants, or go up and down stairs without someone watching me, or take care of Stephen on my own right now, but those things will slowly begin to change. I'm off of narcotics during the day which feels so good, as the narcotics were making me dizzy and loopy. Stephen I think had a hard time adjusting to the fact that mommy couldn't pick him up unless she is sitting down, but he is preferring daddy to mommy at most points too right now, so I guess that helps in this recovery period. I have my ups and downs emotionally, but for the most part I feel like Benjamin Button (although I haven't seen the movie) I feel younger every day. I think last week in the hospital I felt about oh 85 years old, and today I probably feel about 65. It is really emotionally difficult for me to be dependent on people for putting on my pants and taking care of my kid, and I do have crying spells, but am trying to think of the long run where I know I will be better. The pain from the surgery is different than the pain before the surgery. The pain now is more muscular in nature, more like I worked out too much or something. The pain before was more from the bone itself. Sean, my mother, and my father have been with me since last Tuesday and I don't know what I would have done without all their support here. I'm not sure I can adequately thank them for being with me during this. I think my motivation to do things on my own makes me do my exercises and try to get to the point of being normal. Normality is my goal. On the good side, I think my posture is getting a lot better.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Teeth and Hips

When we thought he couldn't get any more teeth, Stephen is getting another tooth, his 13th. (his cuspids) He's very dentally advanced. :) And on another note, I'm going into surgery on Wednesday, February 25th at the Carrell Clinic. We're excited to get this done and over with.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

At the Beach

Here's Stephen at the Beach in Florida with his putter that he carried around with him the entire weekend. He had so much fun in the sand as you can see.
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Future Olympian

We are in Florida visiting my family here. I'll have more pictures when we return, but here's a preview of how much fun we are having with Stephen. We've gone to the beach, pool, playground, and Stephen loves his plastic golf clubs.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Best of Bath Time

We tried to extend bed time a little last night, so we took a long bath and got some really great shots of him being himself and playing.
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